Friday, March 26, 2004
It's Always Something...
I sat down to write this entry a week ago, but something came up and I never got chance to finish it. I was listening to the song "It's Always Something" by Rick Springfield and it had occured to me that that song was pretty much my theme song. I was going to write about my trip to pick the girls up from school and all the things that went wrong - Aidan couldn't find his shoes, some mysterious substance fell on the car windows making it impossible to see out, the twins fell asleep on the way there and then it was rainy day pick-up. It all seems kind of trivial now as I sit here with pain in every joint of my body and can barely move.
It all started on Monday when I woke up with a rash. The rash was kind of itchy and I didn't think too much else about it. Tuesday the rash was still there and even more itchy and now my elbows and knees hurt a little bit. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday anyway, so I decided to wait till then to talk to my doctor about it. I woke up Wednesday with more joints in pain, especially my neck and the rash was still there. I talked to my doctor about it and she thinks the joint pain is caused by some sort of virus and may or may not be related to the rash. And the unexplained fever I had last week may or may not be related to it as well. She gave me something for the itching and said to let her know if it didn't go away in a few weeks. Yesterday I woke up with swelling in my hands so bad that I can not get my rings on and the pain is much, much worse. I called my doctor and she prescribed two pain medicines, vicodin and naprosyn. They help some, but I'm still in pain and I can barely walk up or down the stairs and getting up from the floor after changing the twins is sheer torture! This morning the swelling is ever worse, I can barely bend my fingers. If this is not better by Monday I will have to call my doctor back again. It is just awful!
My friend said she had something similiar, but she didn't remember having any swelling, just the pain. Everyone I talk to has a different opinion of what it could be. I have no idea what it is, I just want it to go away and soon.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I Hate Ants!
For the past few weeks, our house has been plagued by ants. This isn't just your occasionally ants found invading the kitchen infestation. It has reached full scale invasion status. There are ants in every room of my house. They seem to have moved into the walls. Short of tearing down falls in search of their nest, I don't know what else we can try to get rid of them. We have tried everything from borax laced sugar to full scale chemical attacks. Nevertheless, I find myself vacuuming up ants from the kitchen counter, the floor and the walls on a daily basis. If there is one single teeny tiny crumb around, they will find it. I'm sure you can imagine how hard it is to keep every single crumb picked up with five kids, especially from the twins and my 3 year old. I vacuum multiple times a day, but the crumb makers are always one dropped crumb ahead of my vacuuming. I am beginning to wonder if we will ever get rid of them. I think it is time to call in the professional exterminators. DH is against doing that, but I may just call them anyway.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
My Intro
Today I thought I'd start a blog. I don't know that anyone would actually be interested in reading about my life, but it seems like it might be fun to write about it. I guess I should give you a little background about myself. Babies4and5 refers to my 18 month old twins who are my 4th and 5th children. I have 3 older children ranging in ages from 9-3. Babies4and5 is also my login id on several twins related message boards.
Other things to note about my life, I'm a work at home mom that tries to juggle all her kids and two businesses. I own a scrapbooking manufacturering company that creates twins and triplets related scrapbooking products called Scrappin' Twins. I also own a website - - that I hope will become a gathering place for everyone involved in the scrapbook industry.
Besides all that, I am also the webmaster of my local mother's of twins club website - And I am the girl scout leader for my second daughter's Daisy scout troop.
My DH thinks I'm nuts to take on so many things, but I really hate to be bored and love doing new things. People often ask me how I manage to do it all. Somedays I wonder that myself. I do have a tendancy to take on too many things, but I firmly believe in the adage "the more you do, the more you can do".