
Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Voice of Truth 

There are times when the Lord gently leads you down the path he wishes for you to take. There are other times when you have to be dragged kicking and screaming down that path. Last week was one of those times when the Lord yanks the steering wheel out of your hands and says, "Move over and let me drive". Thursday was a pivotal day for me. I spent most of the day in tears feeling like someone had just kicked me in the stomach. I felt betrayed by people I had thought of as my friends. I was deeply hurt by what was happening and didn't know what I should do. Once I let go of the steering wheel and let God tell me what I needed to do, I began to feel better. It all became clear while driving Aidan to preschool. I keep my car radio on a Contemporary Christian station (The Fish to be exact). There was one particular song that come on the radio that really spoke to me and that song was Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns. The chorus really stuck in my head:

But the Voice of Truth tells me a different story
The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid!"
And the Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth

It was at that point that I came to realize how toxic being a part of a certain website had become to me. It was no longer a place of support, but a place that was bringing me stress and unhappiness. It was not bring glory to the Lord. Then it all clicked. God has been leading me to really develop the Right Minded Moms site into something more. I wasn't listening to him, so he had to knock me upside the head to get my atttention. The site has a lot of potential and is where I should be putting my energies. I hope that I can make Right Minded Moms into a site that will provide support to all conservative moms that feel harrassed and afraid to even use the word "God" in a post at other sites.

I really feel good about this decision now. Having the Voice of Truth song come on every time I turn on the radio since making this choice, really hammers home to me that I am now on the path the Lord wants me to be on. I am at total peace with this now. I do not blame anyone for this, I do not hate anyone involved in causing this to come to pass. Actually, I suppose I should be thanking them for having a hand in leading me down this path. If you are looking for me online, you can find me at Right Minded Moms . I hope to see you there! I can truely say now that I am in my right mind.

Hi Cindy. Isn't it a blessing to know that you are doing God's will? Right Minded Moms is a blessing to so many and I know that it will be used for the Glory of God. I guess this whole experience is God's version of "Can you hear me now?"! Good for you for heeding the call. :)
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