
Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Memorial Day! 

Isn't this an adorable picture? Talia loves to carry Falyn around and Falyn seems to enjoy being carried around by her Talia picked that flower from our front yard and put it in Falyn's hair. We are having a very kick-back type of day today. Dan took the kids (except for Falyn) and about a half-dozen neighbor kids on a walk to 7-11 for slurpees, so it is really quite around here right now. Falyn is sleeping in my lap as I type.

This morning the twins got up and dressed themselves. They picked out their favorite tank-top shirts and "shiny" pants - which don't exactly match. Riley got his shirt on backwards and Jared got his pants on backwards, but I'm not complaining! I'm so glad they are now doing more and more for themselves. It makes life so much easier on me now that they use the potty and are starting to get themselves dressed and put on their own shoes. They still need some help figuring out which way clothes go, but it's a big improvement over me having to do everything for them.

Tonight we are going over to Dan's parents house for a BBQ. I'm sure Samantha will be there, but I'm not sure whether or not Pam and Lawrence will be. I know the kids all want to see their cousin Lawrence, so I hope they are there.

Sounds like a great day! I am so glad that the twins are getting around on their own these days!
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